Conservation Projects

I'm currently contributing to two conservation projects through the sales of my fine art prints. A minimum of 10% of all sales is split between the two projects and I've chosen them because I've personally been involved with both.

We are also associated with Tree-Nation, so your order automatically results in one or more trees being planted where they're most needed.

Here's a little more information for you:

Elephant Human Relations Aid (EHRA) Namibia

I spent a couple of weeks with EHRA in December 2019. I was very impressed with the work they do and what they have achieved. They work to help African desert elephants (one of only two remaining populations of these elephants) and the local people in northern Namibia to live together.


It was when talking to a local family that the penny dropped that they regard elephants with an almost supernatural fear. This is because elephants can travel large distances and can also be remarkably quiet. Conflicts do occur, usually because the people don't know there's an elephant nearby until they startle it. Elephants have very poor eyesight and sometimes their reaction is to attack. Sometimes people die.

Their work includes educating the local people, constructing walls to protect vital infrastructure and tracking the elephants to monitor their health and numbers.

Here's what EHRA has to say:

“Elephant Human Relations Aid in Namibia, Africa is an NGO that conserves desert-adapted elephants, through an award-winning wildlife volunteer project.

“Read about why we are here and meet the volunteer project leaders and the rest of the EHRA Namibia team.”


You can listen to my podcast with Rachel Harris, MD of EHRA here: Podcast with Rachel


HalfCut Australia

I met James Stanton-Cooke while assisting with a photo shoot in Sydney and was immediately blown away by his energy and enthusiasm. Rainforests are a vital ecosystem and house one of the greatest varieties of life on our planet. Unfortunately they are being destroyed at an alarming rate and the halfcut idea was intended to highlight that half of our rainforests have already gone. James demonstrated this by cutting off half of his beard!

Halfcut is protecting as much of the Daintree rainforest in Queensland as it can by buying up plots of land. This ensures that these plots are not developed and this was a particular threat under the Morrison government which had an agenda of turning back Australia's world-leading conservation problems in favour of the oil and gas industries.


Here's what HalfCut has to say:

“The goal of HalfCut is to be the face for the environmental movement. By encouraging women, men and children to wear their HalfCut look to help save the last remaining 50% forests globally and start the regeneration of what we have lost.

“HalfCut aims to protect crucial forests for habitat for threatened and endangered species, protect Traditional Owners land titles, start mass tree planting projects and ultimately be part of the solution to the growing climate emergency, ensuring a safe future for all species on Earth.”



Tree-Nation  Tree-nation logo

Tree-nation is on a mission to plant 1 trillion trees by 2050. Each order placed with us results in trees being planted in our 'forest'. If you would like to know more, you can visit our forest: Graham Elliott Photography Forest